Weekly outline
Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, Om Swastiastu, Nama Budaya, Salam Kebajikan
Selamat datang di mata kuliah Leadership.
Semoga kita semua selalu diberikan kesehatan agar dapat menjalani perkuliahan dengan baik.
Tim pengajar pada mata kuliah ini ada 4 yaitu
Dr. Nova Mardiana, S.E.,M.M.
Dr. Habibullah Djimad, S.E., M.Si.
Dr. Ribhan Azhari, S.E., M.Si.
Dr. Ayi Ahadiat, S.E., MBA.
Semoga mahasiwa dapat mengikuti perkuliahan daring dengan maksimal dan memahami materi perkuliahan yang disampaikan.
Agar mahasiswa dapat mengakses dan dapat mengikuti perkuliahan Leadership ini dengan baik dan lancar, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diikuti oleh seluruh mahasiswa, yaitu:
1. Mahasiswa dapat mengakses mata kuliah Leadership pada LMS Vclass Unila (vclass.unila.ac.id) melalui smartphone atau komputer/laptop yang telah tersambung jaringan internet.
2. Untuk dapat mengakses (login) pada LMS Vclass Unila, mahasiswa wajib memiliki akun SSO Unila yang dapat diperoleh dari UPT TIK Unila.
3. Mahasiswa dapat meminta password pada Dosen Pengampu mata kuliah agar dapat masuk sebagai participant apabila kelas dikunci.
4. Mahasiswa wajib menggunakan Nama Asli dan mencantumkan NPM sebagai nama akun Vclass. Contoh format penamaan akun: Adi Saputra _1711011100. Selain itu mahasiswa juga wajib menampilkan foto asli resmi pada profil akun masing-masing.
5. Setelah bergabung dalam kelas virtual mata kuliah Leadership, mahasiswa diiwajibkan membaca semua petunjuk dan materi/ konten yang telah diberikan oleh dosen untuk setiap pertemuan, sebelum pertemuan perkuliahan tersebut dilaksanakan.
6. Mahasiswa wajib secara aktif berpartisipasi dalam diskusi yang dilaksanakan di setiap pertemuan, karena hal ini merupakan salah satu aspek penilaian akhir.
7. Mahasiswa wajib mengerjakan seluruh tugas yang diberikan oleh dosen dan mengumpulkan sesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan.
8. Mahasiswa diperbolehkan untuk aktif bertanya dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran jika ada hal-hal yang masih kurang dipahami dari materi yang disampaikan oleh dosen.
9. Mahasiswa wajib mengikuti kuis yang akan diselenggarakan sebanyak dua (2) kali, yaitu pada akhir pertemuan/minggu ke-4 dan ke-12.
10. Mahasiswa wajib mengikuti Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) yang akan diselenggarakan pada pertemuan/minggu ke-8.
11. Mahasiswa wajib mengikuti Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) yang akan diselenggarakan pada akhir perkuliahan atau pertemuan/minggu ke-16.
Hughes, R.L; Ginnett, R.C and Curphy, G.J. (2012) Leadership: Enhanching the Lessons of Experience, Mc Graw Hill, Avenue of the Americas, NY, 10020
Hand book Leadership
SECTION 1; Ch 1: The Nature of Leadership
Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
Selamat datang di Mata Kuliah Leadership kelas MM Unila
Materi hari ini adalah membahas tentang karakter kepemimpinan, dengan tujuan pembelajaran:
✓ Memahami berbagai cara kepemimpinan didefinisikan
✓ Memahami bermacam teori tipe kepemimpinan
✓ Memahami berbagai cara menentukan efektifitas kepemimpinan
✓ Memahami aspek kepemimpinan
Silahkan dipelajari, dipahami dan diskusikan
Terimakasih banyak atas keseriusan kalian mengikuti pembelajaran. Sampai jumpa pekan depan
SECTION 2: Ch 2. Leadership Behavior
Pada sesi ini kita akan pelajari keterampilan untuk mengembangkan diri sebagai pemimpin
SECTION 3. Ch 3: The Leadership Situation and Adaptive Leadership
Thank you very much for your seriousness in participating in the learning. Evaluation of your learning can be seen in the following folder.
See you next weekKelompok 3
1. Azmi Farhan Fauzian 1811011069
2. Salsabila Nisrina 1851011003
3. Sarassasti Ayu Nabila 1851011002
4. Muhammad Rusdiansyah 1811011067
5. Sherly Noveliza 1811011019
6. Desty Gita Ramadhanty 1811011017
7. Rayhan Aliamin 1851011012Silahkan dipelajari, dipahami dan diskusikan
Silahkan dipelajari, dipahami dan diskusikan
Introduction Section 4
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.....
Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, Om Swastiastu, Nama Budaya, Salam Kebajikan..
Dear students,
Leaders can use power for good or ill, and a leader’s personal values and ethical code may be among the most important determinants of how that leader exercises the various sources of power available. That this aspect of leadership needs closer scrutiny seems evident enough in the face of the past decade’s wave of scandals involving political, business, and even religious leaders who collectively rocked trust in both our leaders and our institutions.
learning objectives chapter 5 leadership ethics and values
1. to be abel to know leadership and doing the right things
2. to be abel to know ethics and values based approaches to leadership
3. to be able to know the roles of ethics and value in organizational leadership
Don't forget to fill in your presence
Thank you for your attention and participation
Book: Leadership_ Enhancing the Lessons of Experience
Persentation of your Project
Make your presentation in 5 slides maximum, containing:
- Previous research briefly and research models that have been used
- The new model you proposed
Good Luck
Thank you very much for your seriousness in participating in the learning. Evaluation of your learning can be seen in the following folder.
Pokok Bahasan:
Focus on the leader
Sub Pokok Bahasan:
Leadership, ethics & values
Ethics is considered to be able to eliminate dirty business practices
Orientasi pada masalah/Defining the Problem (Open ended problem/Real life Problem)
According to Professor at the Faculty of Business Economics, University of Indonesia, Cynthia Afriani Utama, there are still many companies that get around taxes (transfer pricing), unclean policies, unethical culture. So ahw considered that it was necessary for an individual's ability or moral awareness to differentiate between right and wrong actions.
Ethical violations in business practices in Indonesia are a serious problem that can damage a company's integrity and reputation and destroy public trust. So good strategies are needed, such as increasing awareness and training related to business ethics, to prevent it.
However, she reminded that cooperation between the government, business sector and civil society is very important in fighting ethical violations and promoting fair and responsible business practices.
1. Tiap kelompok Brainstorming
group 1: ethics is very influential in preventing dirty practices by business people.
group 2: the importance of paying taxes to support governance so that moral leadership is maintained.
Group 3: Business people must be able to distinguish between good and bad actions so that ethics are maintained.
group 5: the importance of moral awareness of business people in order to avoid unethical and unlawful actions.
group 6: the importance of ethics to maintain the integrity and reputation of the company.
group 7: the need for individual awareness in handling matters of corporate ethics to create a business environment with integrity in Indonesia.
2. Alternatif Solusi
Creating an ethical climate is not easy or just a matter of following a simple recipe. Conflicts over values can arise even when an organization has clearly published values that are embraced by everyone. That can happen when employees and leaders have divergent perceptions of whether the leader’s behavior embodies important
corporate values.
4. Mengumpulkan informasi dan Pengembangan Solusi
Ethical violations in business practices in Indonesia are a serious problem that can damage a company's integrity and reputation and destroy public trust. So good strategies are needed, such as increasing awareness and training related to business ethics, to prevent it.
cooperation between the government, business sector and civil society is very important in fighting ethical violations and promoting fair and responsible business practices.
4. Presentasi (Sharing) dan Penyajian Hasil Karya
Group 4:
- Cika Nandita Roesly (2211011116)
- Khoirul Anam (2211011173)
- Fauzi Arfan (2251011013)
- Zahwa Nura Aziza (2251011030)
According to Professor at the Faculty of Business Economics, University of Indonesia, Cynthia Afriani Utama, there are still many companies that get around taxes (transfer pricing), unclean policies, unethical culture. So he considered that it was necessary for an individual's ability or moral awareness to differentiate between right and wrong actions.
Ethical violations in business practices in Indonesia are a serious problem that can damage a company's integrity and reputation and destroy public trust. So good strategies are needed, such as increasing awareness and training related to business ethics, to prevent it.
Date: 30 Agust 2023
Lecturer: (1) (2) (3)
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb
Pemimpin dapat menggunakan kekuasaan untuk kebaikan atau keburukan, dan nilai-nilai pribadi serta kode etik seorang pemimpin mungkin merupakan salah satu penentu terpenting tentang bagaimana pemimpin tersebut menjalankan berbagai sumber kekuasaan yang tersedia. Bahwa aspek kepemimpinan ini perlu dicermati lebih cermat tampaknya cukup jelas dalam menghadapi gelombang skandal dekade terakhir yang melibatkan pemimpin politik, bisnis, dan bahkan agama yang secara kolektif mengguncang kepercayaan pada para pemimpin dan lembaga kita.PENYAJIAN
Silahkan dipelajari, dipahami dan diskusikan
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.....
Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, Om Swastiastu, Nama Budaya, Salam Kebajikan..
Dear students,
In Chapter 1 leadership was defined as “the process of influencing an organized group toward accomplishing its goals.” Given this definition, one question that leadership researchers have tried to answer over the past century is whether certain personal attributes or characteristics help or hinder the leadership process. In other words, does athletic ability, height, personality, intelligence, or creativity help a leader to build a team, get results, or influence a group?
earning objectives chapter 6 leadership attributes
1. to be abel to know personality traits and leadership
2. to be able to know personalyt types and leadership
3. to be abel to know intellegence and leadership
4. to be able to know emotional intelligence and leadership
Don't forget to fill in your presence
Thank you for your attention and participation
Book: Leadership_ Enhancing the Lessons of Experience
Project Based Learning Step 1
Send your draft and PPT
Your assignment:
- PPT presentation
- You may send also your PBL presentation in youtube link
- Your document of 10 articles resume according to PBL instruction
PBL Presentation by Khevin Angga Putra
PBL Presentation by Chen Tia
Thank you very much for your seriousness in participating in the learning. Project Based Learning Step 1 Decision next in the following folder.
Pokok Bahasan:
Sub Pokok Bahasan:
Knowing the relationship between Personality Traits and Leadership
Knowing the relationship between Personality Types and Leadership
Understand the important of Intelligence in Leadership
Understand the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
The leadership style of director PT. KAI
Orientasi pada masalah/Defining the Problem (Open ended problem/Real life Problem)
In leading Jonan uses the principle of leading by example. This aims to make his employees able to work and follow directions in order to achieve the goals to be achieved.
In Jonan's leadership era, he was able to change in terms of the mindset that occurred to the community through the use of technology from the replacement of the conventional ticket system to the e-ticketing system. the culture of queuing and orderly entry and exit of the station through one door is also familiarized. As well as a decrease in the number of free riders, it can be seen through the increase in the number of KRL passengers, namely within a month of e-ticketing being implemented, there was an increase in the number of users by 20%, namely 575,134 KRL users per day.
1. Tiap kelompok Brainstorming
Personality is an important things in leadership because personlity affect how they in an organization.
There is so much assessment to determine a personality such as big 5 theory abd MBTI.
There is a relationship between leader intelligence and experience level. The performance of a leader is a combination between intelligence and experience
Leader not just need to have a good intelligence but also a good emotional intelligence. This will help a leader to control their emotion and their team emotion.
2. Alternatif Solusi
A leader should have a balance between personality, intelligence, and emotional intelligence in leadership. all three have an important role in achieving company goals and also in managing member satisfaction. the above can be developed by conducting several assessments, evaluating, and continuing to improve the above.
4. Mengumpulkan informasi dan Pengembangan Solusi
Understanding the relationship between personality traits and leadership is crucial. Certain traits, such as extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness, are often associated with effective leadership. These traits can contribute to a leader's ability to inspire and guide a team. Personality types, often assessed through tools like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), can provide insights into leadership styles. Different personality types may excel in various leadership roles. Intelligence, both in terms of cognitive and emotional intelligence, also plays a critical role in leadership. Cognitive intelligence helps leaders make informed decisions and solve complex problems, while emotional intelligence enables them to understand and manage their own emotions and those of their team members, leading to better interpersonal relationships and team dynamics. Meanwhile, Leaders with high emotional intelligence can navigate complex social situations, inspire trust and loyalty, and effectively manage conflicts.
4. Presentasi (Sharing) dan Penyajian Hasil Karya
-Rafa Nithalaida (2211011065)
-Tiara Rizky Cahya (2211011140)
-Anna Radionova (PB23111011001)
In conclusion, Jonan's leadership style, characterized by leading by example, had a transformative impact on the community during his era. Through the introduction of technology and the shift from a conventional ticketing system to e-ticketing, Jonan not only improved the efficiency of the transportation system but also influenced a change in societal mindset. The adoption of e-ticketing promoted a culture of queuing and orderly station entry and exit, significantly reducing free riders.
The results were remarkable, with a substantial 20% increase in the number of KRL passengers within just a month of implementing e-ticketing. This case exemplifies the power of effective leadership in fostering positive changes in both technology adoption and cultural shifts within a community. Jonan's approach of leading by example contributed to the success of this transformation.
Date: 5 Oktober 2023
Lecturer: (1) (2) (3)
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb
Pada Bab 1, kepemimpinan didefinisikan sebagai "proses mempengaruhi kelompok yang terorganisir untuk mencapai tujuannya." Dengan definisi ini, satu pertanyaan yang coba dijawab oleh para peneliti kepemimpinan selama abad yang lalu adalah apakah atribut atau karakteristik pribadi tertentu membantu atau menghalangi proses kepemimpinan. Dengan kata lain, apakah kemampuan atletik, tinggi badan, kepribadian, kecerdasan, atau kreativitas membantu seorang pemimpin untuk membangun tim, mendapatkan hasil, atau memengaruhi kelompok?
Kelompok 4
1. Mochammad Abirama Permana Setyoko 1951011036
2. M ghiki ega Z 1951011008
3. Muhammad Adha Agung 1951011030
4. Moch. Praba Chasa Dhana 1951011004
5. Arif Ahmad Dhani 1911011074
6. Bagas Aef Syaifulloh 1951011024
7. Alfath Muharom S 1951011034PENUTUP
Kerjakan soal latihan ini secara mandiri
1, Apa nilai-nilai dalanm kepemimpinan?
2. Etika kepemimpinan adalah standar moral yang memberikan batas yang jelas antara yang “baik” dan “buruk”, serta menjadi pedoman pemimpin dalam pengambilan keputusan. Sebutkan dan jelaskan ciri ciri etika kepemimpinan
3. Apa pendapat saudara ketika ada seseorang yang mengatakan bahwa kepribadian tidak bisa diubah?
4. Sebutkan atribut-atribut umum yang dipandang perlu dimiliki oleh seorang pemimpin.
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.....
Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, Om Swastiastu, Nama Budaya, Salam Kebajikan..
Dear students,
In the previous chapter we examined many facets of power and its use in leadership. Leaders can use power for good or ill, and a leader’s personal values and ethical code may be among the most important determinants of how that leader exercises the various sources of power available. That this aspect of leadership needs closer scrutiny seems evident enough inthe face of the past decade’s wave of scandals involving political, business, and even religious leaders who collectively rocked trust in both our leaders and our institutions. It should be sobering and worrisome that a serious presidential contender in one of our major parties not only had an ongoing extramarital affair during the campaign, which he lied about at the time (including his possible paternity of a child from that affair, later validated and admitted), but also managed to induce his own staff tocover it up. We might only wonder about what levels of honesty we could have expected from that White House had events unfolded differently. In the face of such depressing headlines about corrupt leadership, it is notsurprising that scholarly and popular literature have turned greater attention to the question of ethical leadership.
earning objectives chapter 7 leadership behavior
1. to be abel to know studies of leadership behavior
2. to be able to know the leadership pipeline
3. to be able to know community leadership
4. to be able to know assesing leadership behaviors multilateral feedback instruments
Don't forget to fill in your presence
Thank you for your attention and participation
Presentation Section 6
Book: Leadership_ Enhancing the Lessons of Experience
Pokok Bahasan:
Sub Pokok Bahasan:
Studies of Leadership Behavior, The leadership Pipeline, Community Leadership, and Assessing Leadership Behaviors.
Enron’s Bankruptcy in 2001
Orientasi pada masalah/Defining the Problem (Open ended problem/Real life Problem)
Enron's bankruptcy in 2001 stemmed from leadership failures, driven by unethical behavior, lack of accountability, and a culture of deception. CEO Kenneth Lay and other top executives, once seen as charismatic leaders, succumbed to greed and arrogance, leading to unsustainable expansion and a disregard for rules. This case highlights the crucial need for ethical leadership, corporate governance, transparency, and accountability in business. It spurred reforms and raised awareness of the consequences of leadership misconduct.
1. Tiap kelompok Brainstorming
group 1: the case is great example for a leadership behavior. bcs the leader should be ethical, transparent, bcs the leader is a very important role.
group 2: the material is really related with the material since the material explained about leadership behavior and your case mention that the caused of the Enron's bankruptcy because of their leader was greed and arrogance (which is kind of misbehaviour).
Its important for the company to have a division to supervise the leader, so they will not doing misbehaviour that could harm the corporate.
group 3: The case is related with the material and it's a good example of the importance behavior of a leader. Because the material talk about how should a leader behave and the case discusses what happens if a leader does not behave like a leader should be.
group 4: The main point of the Enron's bankruptcy case is that it was primarily caused by a severe breakdown in ethical leadership and corporate governance. The case underscores how unethical behavior, driven by greed and a lack of accountability, led to the downfall of a once-prominent company. The main takeaways from this case are the importance of ethical leadership, transparency, and adherence to regulations in maintaining the integrity and sustainability of any business. It serves as a cautionary tale about the devastating consequences of unethical conduct at the highest levels of an organization and the need for stricter oversight and reforms in corporate governance.
group 5: I think the case is already related to the materials. I think, Enron Bankcruptcy happened because they really do not understand about the important of leadership behaviors, so they experience failure. From Enron’s Bankruptcy we can understand strategic thinking, decision making, emotional intelligence, and the ability to influence others.
group 7: In my opinion, this is an example of leader behavior that we should avoid. The CEO may have good charisma but it is not used well by carrying out reckless expansion and breaking the rules. Due to this behavior the company experienced bankruptcy.
2. Alternatif Solusi
To avoid this kind of situation, the following solutions can be implemented:
Leaders with Integrity: Ensure that company leaders have high integrity and are accountable for their actions.
Leader Engagement: Company leaders should be actively involved in key decision-making and ensure transparency in all aspects of company operations.
Promotion of an Ethical Culture: Leaders should promote a culture of ethics throughout the organisation, emphasising the importance of ethical behaviour in business.
Performance Monitoring: Leaders should closely monitor performance, not only in terms of finances, but also in terms of corporate culture and employee behaviour.
4. Mengumpulkan informasi dan Pengembangan Solusi
To avoid such situation, the following solutions can be implemented:
- Dissolution of Enron: Enron was dissolved, and its assets were liquidated through the bankruptcy process.
- Investigations and Legal Actions: Investigations led to convictions of key Enron executives and legal actions against those involved in the fraud.
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was passed, introducing regulatory reforms in corporate governance, financial reporting, and auditing.
- Recovery for Creditors and Shareholders: Some funds were recovered for Enron's creditors and shareholders, but not all losses were fully recouped.
4. Presentasi (Sharing) dan Penyajian Hasil Karya
Group 6 link youtube presentation:
- Bintang Nadhiva B. (2211011020): https://youtu.be/x1TJSB8IOgg?si=UCOWwoSp2KAzomQp
- Rhea Natania M. S. (2211011029): https://youtu.be/AQxyBQc4GvQ?si=KQR5N7XDRozpDMiu
- Arif Rahmansyah (2211011123): https://youtu.be/a_wNEU15z8I?si=iYyoL_0KGKaJu3kX
- Muhammad Fathurrohman (2211011133): https://youtu.be/OAqoAIXvivc?si=MgcmIsMtq-y8YjXY
Enron's bankruptcy in 2001 stemmed from leadership failures, driven by unethical behavior, lack of accountability, and a culture of deception. CEO Kenneth Lay and other top executives, once seen as charismatic leaders, succumbed to greed and arrogance, leading to unsustainable expansion and a disregard for rules. This case highlights the crucial need for ethical leadership, corporate governance, transparency, and accountability in business. It spurred reforms and raised awareness of the consequences of leadership misconduct.
Lecturer: (1) (2) (3)
Thank you very much for your seriousness in participating in the learning. Evaluation of your learning can be seen in the following folder.
See you next weekPENDAHULUAN
Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb
Pada bab sebelumnya, kita membahaas banyak aspek kekuasaan dan penggunaannya dalam kepemimpinan. Pemimpin dapat menggunakan kekuasaan untuk kebaikan atau keburukan, dan nilai-nilai pribadi serta kode etik seorang pemimpin mungkin merupakan salah satu penentu terpenting tentang bagaimana pemimpin tersebut menjalankan berbagai sumber kekuasaan yang tersedia. Bahwa aspek kepemimpinan ini perlu dicermati lebih cermat tampaknya cukup jelas dalam menghadapi gelombang skandal dekade terakhir yang melibatkan pemimpin politik, bisnis, dan bahkan agama yang secara kolektif mengguncang kepercayaan baik pada pemimpin maupun institusi kita. Harusny menjadi serius dan mengkhawatirkan ketika calon presiden di salah satu partai besar, tidak hanya melakukan pengkhianatan yang sedang berlangsung selama kampanye, yang dia bohongi pada saat itu, tetapi juga berhasil membujuk stafnya sendiri untuk menutupinya. Kita mungkin hanya bertanya-tanya tentang tingkat kejujuran apa yang dapat kita harapkan dari jika peristiwa-peristiwa terjadi secara berbeda. Dalam menghadapi tajuk utama yang menyedihkan tentang kepemimpinan yang korup, tidaklah mengherankan bahwa literatur ilmiah dan populer telah mengalihkan perhatian yang lebih besar pada pertanyaan tentang kepemimpinan etis.
Silahkan dipelajari, dipahami dan diskusikan
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.....
Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, Om Swastiastu, Nama Budaya, Salam Kebajikan..
Dear Students,
Throughout our meeting we have been talking about different ways to assess leaders. But when all is said and done, how can we tell good leaders from bad ones? This is a critically important question: if we can specifically identify what leaders actually do that makes them effective, then we can hire or train people to exhibit these behaviors. One way to differentiate leaders is to look at what they do on a day-to-day basis. Some leaders do a good job of making decisions, providing direction, creating plans, giving regular feedback, getting their followers the resources they need to be successful, and building cohesive teams. Other leaders have difficulties making decisions, set vague or unclear goals, and ignore followers’ requests
earning objectives chapter 8 skills for building personal credibility and infuencing others
1. to be abel to know building crebility
2. to be able to know communication
3. to be able to know listening
4. ti be able to know assertiveness
5. to be able to know conducting meetings
6. to be able to know effective stress management
7. to be able to know problem solving
8. to be able to know improving creativity
Don't forget to fill in your presence
Thank you for your attention and participation
Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb
Sepanjang pertemuan, kita telah membicarakan tentang berbagai cara untuk menilai para pemimpin. Tetapi ketika semua dikatakan dan dilakukan, bagaimana kita bisa membedakan pemimpin yang baik dari yang buruk? Pertanyaan ini yang sangat penting: jika kita dapat secara spesifik mengidentifikasi apa yang sebenarnya dilakukan oleh para pemimpin yang membuat mereka efektif, maka kita dapat mempekerjakan atau melatih orang untuk menunjukkan perilaku ini. Salah satu cara untuk membedakan para pemimpin adalah dengan melihat apa yang mereka lakukan setiap hari. Beberapa pemimpin melakukan pekerjaan dengan baik dalam membuat keputusan, memberikan arahan, membuat rencana, memberikan umpan balik rutin, mendapatkan pengikut mereka sumber daya yang mereka butuhkan untuk sukses, dan membangun tim yang kohesif. Pimpinan lain mengalami kesulitan dalam mengambil keputusan, menetapkan tujuan yang tidak jelas atau tidak jelas, dan mengabaikan permintaan pengikut
BAB 8: Skills for Building Personal Credibility and Influencing Others
Kelompok 5
Ayang nurma diana (1851011019)
2. Fikry Afriyanda (1851011018)
3. N.A.Regata Satya Dewi ( 1851011001 )
4. Muhammad Zulfikri M (1811011039)
5. Endang afy (1811011001)
6. Heny puspita sari Saputri (1811011049)
7. Deryco putra
Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb
Adik-adik mahasiswa... hari ini perkuliaha dengan saya. Kita akan membahas motivasi kepuasan dan kinerja karyawan
Mengapa pengikut bergabung dengan beberapa tim tetapi tidak dengan tim yang lain? Bagaimana membuat pengikut menunjukkan cukup perilaku kritis yang diperlukan agar tim berhasil? Dan mengapa beberapa pemimpin mampu membuat pengikut melampaui panggilan tugasnya?
Kemampuan untuk memotivasi orang lain adalah keterampilan kepemimpinan yang mendasar dan memiliki koneksi yang kuat untuk membangun tim yang kohesif dan berorientasi pada tujuan serta mendapatkan hasil melalui orang lain.PENYAJIAN
Banyak pendekatan untuk memahami pengaruh motivasi yang berbeda untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan kepuasan. Hierarki kebutuhan Maslow misalnya mengasumsikan bahwa orang-orang termotivasi untuk memenuhi seperangkat kebutuhan universal. Orientasi pencapaian memandang motivasi sebagai ciri kepribadian dan mengasumsikan beberapa orang telah dipersiapkan untuk lebih termotivasi daripada yang lain. Penetapan tujuan melihat motivasi dari perspektif kognitif. Pendekatan ini mengasumsikan bahwa orang membuat pilihan yang rasional dan sadar tentang arah, intensitas, dan kegigihan perilaku mereka, dan umumnya terlibat dalam perilaku yang memaksimalkan hasil dan meminimalkan biaya. Dua teori terakhir, pemberdayaan dan pendekatan operan, menguji motivasi dari perspektif situasional. Praktisi kepemimpinan kemungkinan besar akan lebih efektif jika mereka belajar mengenali situasi di mana berbagai pendekatan, atau wawasan khusus mereka, mungkin berguna secara berbeda.
Waktu 75 menit
Introduction Section 9
Dear students...
Why do followers join some teams but not others? How do you get followers to exhibit enough of the critical behaviors needed for the team to succeed? And why are some leaders capable of getting followers to go above and beyond the call of duty? The ability to motivate others is a fundamental leadership skill and has strong connections to building cohesive, goal-oriented teams and getting results through others.
learning objectives chapter 9 motivating, satisfaction and performance
1. to be abel to know definition motivation, satisfactions and performance
2. to be able to know unserstanding and influencing follower motivation
3. to be able to know understanding and influence follower satifaction
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Adik-adik mahasiswa ... hari ini perkuliahan dengan saya. Kita akan membahas kelompok, tim dan kepemimpinan.
Seperti yang telah kita bahas, pemimpin perlu memahami beberapa hal tentang diri mereka sendiri. Keterampilan, kemampuan, nilai, motif, dan keinginan mereka merupakan pertimbangan penting dalam menentukan gaya kepemimpinan dan preferensi mereka. Pemimpin juga perlu memahami, sebanyak mungkin, karakteristik yang sama dari pengikut mereka. Tetapi jika ingin mengetahui karakteristik diri dan masing-masing pengikut, itu masih belum cukup. Hal ini karena kelompok dan tim berbeda dari sekadar keterampilan, kemampuan, nilai, dan motif orang-orangnya. Grup dan tim memiliki karakteristik khusus masing-masing.PENYAJIAN
Perspektif kelompok menunjukkan bahwa perilaku pengikut dapat menjadi hasil dari faktor-faktor yang agak independen dari karakteristik individu pengikut. Faktor kelompok yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku pengikut meliputi ukuran kelompok, tahapan perkembangan kelompok, peran, norma, dan kohesi.
Model Kepemimpinan Tim menyatakan bahwa efektivitas tim paling baik dipahami dalam hal masukan, proses, dan hasil. Input level terdiri dari karakteristik individu pengikut; desain tim itu sendiri; dan berbagai sistem organisasi yang menciptakan konteks di mana tim akan beroperasi. Process level menyangkut bagaimana tim berperilaku saat menjalankan tugas mereka, dan output level menyangkut apakah pelanggan dan klien puas dengan produk tim, apakah tim meningkat dan berkembang sebagai unit yang berkinerja, dan apakah pengikut puas menjadi anggota tim.
Introduction Section 10
Assalamuálaikum wr wb
Dear students...
As we have already discussed, leaders need to understand some things about themselves. Their skills, abilities, values, motives, and desires are important considerations in determining their leadership style and preferences. Leaders also need to understand, as much as possible, the same characteristics of their followers. But if you could know characteristics of both yourself and each of your followers, that would still not be enough. This is because groups and teams are different than solely the skills, abilities, values, and motives of those who compose them. Groups and teams have their own special characteristics.
earning objectives chapter 10 groups, teams and their leadership
1. to be abel to know individual versus grups versus teams
2. to be able to know the nature of groups
3. to be able to teams
4. to be able to virtual teams
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Presentation Section 10
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Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb
Adik-adik mahasiswa...
Pada bab-bab sebelumnya kita mencatat bahwa memahami pemimpin dan pengikut jauh lebih rumit daripada yang dipikirkan banyak orang. Misalnya, penelitian menunjukkan bagaimana karakteristik kepribadian, perilaku, dan sikap pemimpin mempengaruhi proses kepemimpinan. Demikian pula, sikap, pengalaman, karakteristik kepribadian, dan perilaku pengikut, serta norma dan kekompakan kelompok, juga mempengaruhi proses kepemimpinan.Terlepas dari kompleksitas pemimpin dan pengikut, bagaimanapun, mungkin tidak ada faktor dalam kerangka interaksional yang serumit situasinya. Berbagai faktor tugas, organisasi, dan lingkungan tidak hanya memengaruhi perilaku, tetapi arti penting atau kekuatan relatif dari faktor-faktor ini sangat bervariasi di antara SDM. Apa yang menganggap faktor situasional kunci yang mempengaruhi perilaku seseorang mungkin relatif tidak penting bagi orang lain.
Situasi mungkin merupakan faktor paling kompleks dalam kerangka kerja situasi-pengikut pemimpin. Selain itu, situasi bervariasi tidak hanya dalam kompleksitas tetapi juga dalam kekuatan. Faktor situasional dapat memainkan peran yang begitu luas sehingga mereka dapat secara efektif meminimalkan efek dari ciri-ciri kepribadian, kecerdasan, nilai, dan preferensi pada perilaku, sikap, dan hubungan para pemimpin dan pengikut. Mengingat sifat dinamis dari situasi kepemimpinan, menemukan hasil yang cukup konsisten adalah pencapaian yang sangat menggembirakan bagi para peneliti kepemimpinan.
Introduction Section 11
Assalamuálaikum wr wb
Dear student...
The skills chapter in Part 2 addressed what might be considered relatively basic leadership skills such as listening and communication. In this chapter we will cover a number of additional leadership skills that are somewhat more advanced and that pertain particularly to the leader’s relationship with followers. The skills addressed in this section include:
- Setting goals.
- Providing constructive feedback.
- Team building for work teams.
- Building high-performance teams—the Rocket Model.
- Delegating.
- Coaching.
learning objectives chapter 11 skils for developing others
1. to be abel to know setting goals
2. to be able to know providing constructive feedback
3. to be able to know team building for work teams
4. to be able to know building high performance teams the rocket model
5. to be able to know delegating
6. to be able to know coaching
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Presentation Section 11
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Introduction Section 12
Assalamuálaikum wr wb
Dear student...
In previous chapters we noted that understanding leaders and followers is much more complicated than many people think. For example, we examined how leaders’ personality characteristics, behaviors, and attitudes affect the leadership process. Similarly, followers’ attitudes, experience, personality characteristics, and behaviors, as well as group norms and cohesiveness, also affect the leadership process. Despite the complexities of leaders and followers, however, perhaps no factor in the interactional framework is as complex as the situation. Not only do a variety of task, organizational, and environmental factors affect behavior, but the relative salience or strength of these factors varies dramatically across people. What one person perceives to be the key situational factor affecting his or her behavior may be relatively unimportant to another person.
learning objectives chapter 12 leadership situation
1. to be abel to know the task
2. to be able to know the organization
3. to be able to know the environment
4. to be able to know leading across societal cultires
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Presentation Section 12
Video Presentation by Chen Tia
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Introduction Section 13
Assalamuálaikum wr wb
Dear student...
In Part 1 we discussed the process aspects, while Part 2 was devoted to the leader. Part 3 focused on the followers, and in the previous chapter we discussed the situational components of leadership. You may have also noted that while we attempted to focus exclusively on the component of interest for each section, there were often overlapping areas in our leader–follower–situation (L-F-S) model. The overlap is true, and our attempts to segregate the concepts were done merely for simplicity. The world of leadership is a complex one where multiple aspects of the L-F-S model come into play. Leadership is contingent on the interplay of all three aspects of our model, and these contingencies are the focus of this chapter.
learning objectives chapter 13 contingency theories of leadership
1. to be abel to know leader member exchange theory
2. to be able to know the normative decision model
3. to be able to know the situastional leadership model
4. to be able to know the contigency model
5. to be able to know the path goal theory
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Presentation Section 13
Introduction Section 14
Assalamuálaikum wr wb
Dear student...
Organizations today face myriad potential challenges. To be successful they must cope effectively with the implications of new technology, globalization, changing social and political climates, new competitive threats, shifting economic conditions, industry consolidation, swings in consumer preferences, and new performance and legal standards. Think how technology affected James Cameron’s ability to make Avatar or the changes the U.S. military had to make as it shifted from stemming the tide of communism to fighting more regionalized conflicts. And consider how the events of 9/11/2001, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the threats of global terrorism, the emergence of the European Union, the growth of the Chinese and Indian economies, the economic recession of 2008–2010, and global warming have affected leaders in both the private and public sectors around the world. Leading change is perhaps the most difficult challenge facing any leader, yet this skill may be the best differentiator of managers from leaders and of mediocre from exceptional leaders. The best leaders are those who recognize the situational and follower factors inhibiting or facilitating change, paint a compelling vision of the future, and formulate and execute a plan that moves their vision from a dream to reality.
learning objectives chapter 14 leadership and change
1. to be abel to know the rational approach to organizational change
2. to be able to know the emotional approach to organization
3. to be able to know leader characteristics
4. to be able to know followers characteristics
5. to be able to know situasional vcharacteristics
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Presentation Section 14
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Introduction Section 15
Assalamuálaikum wr wb
Dear student...
It is fitting that this chapter appears at the end of the book because it draws on much of the leader, follower, and situation material described in earlier chapters. As an overview, we will review the research pertaining to and some practical steps for avoiding bad leadership, managerial incompetence, and managerial derailment. Bad leadership is associated with individuals who are effective at building teams and getting results through others, but who obtain results that are morally or ethically challenged. An example here might be Adolf Hitler. Hitler was clearly able to rally an entire country around a common cause and conquered a number of countries, yet the end result was a continent in ruins and the death of over 20,000,000 people. Unlike bad leadership, managerial incompetence concerns a person’s inability to build teams or get results through others.
learning objectives chapter 15 the dark side of leadership
1. to be abel to know bad leadership
2. to be able to know managerial incompetence
3. to be able to know managerial derailment
4. to be able to know the six root causes of managerial incompetence and derailment
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Presentation Section 15
Video presentation by Albert Jayadi Handoko
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Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
Adik-adik amasiswa pada sesi ini kita akan pelajari skills for optimizing leadership
Keterampilan ini mencakup keterampilan kepemimpinan yang relatif maju yang berguna dalam berbagai tantangan situasional tertentu:
• Menciptakan visi yang menarik.
• Mengelola konflik.
• Negosiasi.
• Mendiagnosis masalah kinerja dalam individu, kelompok, dan organisasi.
• Membangun tim di atas.