Enrolment options

S1 Kimia-Praktikum Kimor 1& Analitik 1-Kelas B- Genap 2021/2022

Organic Chemistry 1 &  Analytical Chemistry 1 Laboratory


  1. Column Chromatography and TLC (Org 1)
  2. Determination of pKa and Equivalent Weight: Substituent Effect on Acidity (Analitik 1)
  3. The Hydrocarbon Properties (Org 1)
  4. Nitration of Benzene (Org 1)
  5. Nucleophilic Substitution: Synthesis of n-Butyl Bromide (Org 1)
  6. The Properties of Alcohol and Phenol (Org 1)
  7. Aldehydes and Ketones: Functional Group Analysis and Formation of Aldol (Org 1)
  8. Carboxylic Acid and Its Derivatives (Org 1)
  9. Qualitative Analysis (Functional Groups) (Analitik 1)
  10. Volumetry 1(Acid Base from Carboxylic acid, vinegar ) (Analitik 1)
  11. Volumetry 2 ( complexometry: hardness, amino acid titration)
  12. Gravimetry (proximate) (Analitik 1)

Self enrolment (Student)