Pengumuman Vclass

All Students Computer Lab

All Students Computer Lab

by Doni S. Warganegara -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Class,

Welcome to my class.

You are all need to register this class using the enrollment key.

Please Register the class as soon as possible.

I have already given to the enrollment key to your student class leader, Redho. Please ask him as soon as possible.

Please Note:

Registration should be listed on your Siakad as well also has been registered to the the Accounting Secretariat.

Please register and do it independently for each student as soon as possible before the registration on this class  closed.

Next Session, the class will start on November 2, 2018 @ 13:00WIB

Please collect your homework for every week assignment registered.

Your Previous Homework, please be put on the class folder in a week of October 26 2018-to November,2, 2018. Next Class folder, is on the date November  2, 2018- November 9 2018.

I have also created the chat session and forum session as well. Please use it orderly.

If you have any questions please email me as soon as possible


Thank You


Doni S W