Enrolment options


Course Description

This course is regarding corporate entrepreneurship which covers the way to covert ideas into firms. Also discuss why people become entrepreneurs, how to plan a business, analyzing the business environment, developing business model, creating ethical and legal foundation for a business, building and financing a new venture, marketing the product and service, and how to do franchising.


Student learning outcomes:
On completion of this course, students will be able :

1.       To explain Characteristics of an entrepreneur and how to become an entrepreneur.

2.       To create a Business Plan and Business Model

  1. To understand how to finance the business and to market the products and services
  2. To have basic skill in operations and human resources by implementing the project business through Trading Exhibition of  the business market


Required Text:

  1. Bruce R. Barringer/Duane Ireland, Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures Global Edition, Pearson Education 5th Edition 2016.
  2. Mahrinasari MS (2017), Kewirausahaan dan UMKM, Buku Ajar, Penerbit, Zam-Zam Tower.


Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)