Mata kuliah Sinyal dan Sistem membahas tentang representasi sinyal dan sistem, konsep system Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) waktu kontinu, deret Fourier sinyal waktu kontinu, transformasi Fourier waktu kontinu dan aplikasinya, transformasi Laplace dan aplikasinya, konsep sistem LTI waktu diskrit, deret Fourier sinyal waktu diskrit, transformasi Fourier waktu diskrit dan transformasi Z.
The Signal and System course discusses the representation of signals and systems, the concept of a continuous time-invariant Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) system, Fourier series of continuous time signals, Fourier continuous time transformations and their applications, Laplace transforms and their applications, the discrete-time LTI system concepts, Fourier series discrete time signal, Fourier time discrete transformation and Z transformation.
- Teacher: Ubaidah, S.T., M.T.
- Teacher: UMI MURDIKA
- Enrolled students: 32