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Medical Basic Science 2

The block of Medical Basic Science 2 (MBS2) will be held in the second semester, the 1st year with a learning load of 6 credits. This block will be held for 6 weeks consisting of 5 active weeks and 1 week of exams. In this block students will learn about the various systems and organs in the human body, such as respiration system, circulation, gastrointestinal, endocrine, and uro-reproduction.

This block will be covered by using problem-based learning strategies, with tutorial discussion methods, lectures, lab workshops and plenary activities. Each of those activities is included in the components of the assessment based on the respective scale


Community Medicine Block will be held in semester 6, year 3 for 6
weeks consists of 5 weeks active learning and 1 week for examination. Thepurpose of this block isto make students have the ability in identifying problems and designing the treatment for public, community, family, and individual problems comprehensively, holistically, continually, coordinatively, and collaboratively in primary health care contextwith highlightingthe available resources based on National Health System (SKN).  
Learning content of this block including Community Medicine, Family Medicine Healthcare, Health Promotion and Healthy Behaviour, Health Service Management and Health Financing System, Practice Management of Family Medicine Clinic and Introduction of Occupational Health.
Learning strategies that will be used in this block such asproblem based learning strategy through tutorial discussion using seven jumps method, expert lecture, field activity with FOME (Family Oriented Medical Education), public health center (Puskesmas) observation, joining the Posyandu activity, practice activity and self-study.

Blok Neuropsikiatri TA 2018/2019 Genap

Blok Neuropsikiatri  dilaksanakan pada semester  6, tahun ke-3 dengan bobot pembelajaran sebesar 6 sks. Blok ini akan berjalan selama 6 minggu yang terdiri dari 5 minggu aktif dan 1 minggu ujian. Pada Blok ini mahasiswa akan belajar tentang dasar-dasar dan kelainan sistem saraf dan psikiatri serta manajemen penatalaksanaannya.

Blok ini diselenggarakan dengan metode student centre dengan strategi pendekatan problem-based learning dan pendekatan student-centre lainnya Aktivitas pembelajaran meliputi diskusi tutorial dengan menggunakan metode seven jump, kuliah, praktikum dan pleno yang memiliki kontribusi terhadap penilaian dengan bobot yang telah ditentukan. 

Bidang ilmu yang terkait dalam blok ini meliputi Neurologi, Kedokteran Jiwa, Ilmu Kesehatan Anak, Radiologi, Anatomi, Mikrobiologi, Patologi Anatomi, Patologi Klinik, Fisiologi, Histologi, Farmakologi, Gizi, Bioetik, dan Ikakom, Ilmu Kedokteran Keluarga, Ilmu Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi